Explore the role supplementation plays in the development of the Hebrew Bible
This new volume includes ten original essays that demonstrate clearly how common, varied, and significant the phenomenon of supplementation is in the Hebrew Bible. Essays examine instances of supplementation that function to aid pronunciation, fill in abbreviations, or clarify ambiguous syntax. They also consider more complex additions to and reworkings of particular lyrical, legal, prophetic, or narrative texts. Scholars also examine supplementation by the addition of an introduction, a conclusion, or an introductory and concluding framework to a particular lyrical, legal, prophetic, or narrative text.
- A contribution to the further development of a panbiblical compositional perspective
- Examples from Psalms, the pentateuchal narratives, the Deuteronomistic History, the Prophets, and legal texts
Saul M. Olyan is Samuel Ungerleider Jr. Professor of Judaic Studies and Professor of Religious Studies at Brown University. He is the author of Friendship in the Hebrew Bible (2017), among other books.
Jacob L. Wright is Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at Emory University. He is the author of David, King of Israel, and Caleb in Biblical Memory (2013), among other books.
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This is Brown Judaic Studies 361.