Browse Books
Risto Auvinen
Philo’s Influence on Valentinian Tradition
SPhiloM 10
Sean A. Adams, Zanne Domoney-Lyttle
The Philo of Alexandria Scripture Index
SPhiloM 9
Justin M. Rogers
Didymus the Blind and the Alexandrian Christian Reception of Philo
SPhiloM 8
Sami Yli Karjanmaa
Reincarnation in Philo of Alexandria
SPhiloM 7
Hans Svebakken
Philo of Alexandria's Exposition on the Tenth Commandment
SPhiloM 6
Albert Geljon
Philonic Exegesis in Gregory of Nyssa's De Vita Moysis
SPhiloM 5
Gregory E. Sterling
The Ancestral Philosophy Hellenistic Philosophy in Second Temple Judaism: Essays of David Winston
SPhiloM 4
Manuel Alexandre Jr
Rhetorical Argumentation in Philo of Alexandria
SPhiloM 3
Ellen Birnbaum
The Place of Judaism in Philo's Thought
SPhiloM 2
John Peter Kenney
The School of Moses: Studies in Philo and Hellenistic Religion
SPhiloM 1