Browse Books
Luis Menéndez-Antuña
Bridging the Interpretive Abyss: Reading the New Testament after the Cultural Studies Turn
SemeiaSt 105
Dong Hyeon Jeong
Embracing the Nonhuman in the Gospel of Mark
SemeiaSt 102
Tat-siong Benny Liew, Fernando F. Segovia
Reading in These Times: Purposes and Practices of Minoritized Biblical Criticism
SemeiaSt 103
Arthur W. Walker-Jones, Suzanna R. Millar
Ask the Animals: Developing a Biblical Animal Hermeneutic
SemeiaSt 104
Joseph A. Marchal
After the Corinthian Women Prophets: Reimagining Rhetoric and Power
SemeiaSt 97
Tat-siong Benny Liew, Fernando F. Segovia
Reading Biblical Texts Together: Pursuing Minoritized Biblical Criticism
SemeiaSt 98
Richard J. Britton
Romans and the Power of the Believer
SemeiaSt 99
Caroline Johnson Hodge, Timothy A. Joseph, Tat-siong Benny Liew
Divided Worlds? Challenges in Classics and New Testament Studies
SemeiaSt 100
Richard J. Bautch, Jean-François Racine
Dreams and Visions in the Bible and Related Literature
SemeiaSt 101
Noel Forlini Burt
Encounters in the Dark: Identity Formation in the Jacob Story
SemeiaSt 96
Fiona C. Black, Jennifer L. Koosed
Reading with Feeling: Affect Theory and the Bible
SemeiaSt 95
David Janzen
Trauma and the Failure of History: Kings, Lamentations, and the Destruction of Jerusalem
SemeiaSt 94