Browse Books
Adam H. Becker
Isaac of Antioch: Homilies on Moral and Monastic Reform
Johann Cook, Wolfgang Kraus, Martin Rösel
Septuagint Theology and Its Reception: Stellenbosch Congress on the Septuagint, 2022
SCS 78
Soo Kim Sweeney, David Frankel, Marvin A. Sweeney
Theology of the Hebrew Bible, Volume 2: Texts, Readers, and Their Worlds
RBS 107
Roy R. Jeal
Exploring Colossians: Living the New Reality
Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S.J., Tom Thatcher
John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4: Jesus Remembered in the Johannine Situation
ECL 34
Susan E. Hylen
Journal of Biblical Literature 143.3
JBL 143.3
Jacob Lauinger
The Labors of Idrimi: Inscribing the Past, Shaping the Present at Late Bronze Age Alalah
James R. Harrison, Bradley J. Bitner
New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 11A: Texts from Ephesus
Amy Lindeman Allen, Francisco Lozada, Yak-hwee Tan
The Critic in the World: Essays in Honor of Fernando F. Segovia
RBS 108
Albert C. Geljon, David T. Runia
Philo of Alexandria, On Planting: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Barbara M. Leung Lai
Elizabeth Boase
Trauma Theories: Refractions in the Book of Jeremiah