Browse Books
Sivan Nir
Characterization in Midrash and Medieval Jewish Bible Commentaries
BibRec 8
Rebecca K. Esterson
Jewish Allegory in Eighteenth-Century Christian Imagination
BibRec 7
Nicole L. Tilford, Kelly J. Murphy
Biblical Themes in Science Fiction
BibRec 6
Christopher B. Zeichmann
Queer Readings of the Centurion at Capernaum: Their History and Politics
BibRec 5
Amanda Dillon
Drawn to the Word: The Bible and Graphic Design
BibRec 4
Heidi J. Hornik, Ian Boxall, Bobbi Dykema
The Art of Biblical Interpretation: Visual Portrayals of Scriptural Narratives
BibRec 3
Claudia Setzer, David A. Shefferman
The Bible in the American Experience
BibRec 2
Meira Polliack, Athalya Brenner Idan
Jewish Biblical Exegesis from Islamic Lands: The Medieval Period
BibRec 1