Browse Books
Reinhard Müller, Juha Pakkala
Editorial Techniques in the Hebrew Bible: Toward a Refined Literary Criticism
RBS 97
Jocelyn McWhirter, Sylvie T. Raquel
Teaching the Bible with Undergraduates
RBS 99
Tat-siong Benny Liew, Shelly Matthews
Race and Biblical Studies: Antiracism Pedagogy for the Classroom
RBS 101
Gay L. Byron, Hugh R. Page Jr.
Black Scholars Matter: Visions, Struggles, and Hopes in Africana Biblical Studies
RBS 100
John Screnock, Vladimir Olivero
A Grammar of Ugaritic
RBS 102
Shelley L. Birdsong, J. Cornelis de Vos, Hyun Chul Paul Kim
Reading Gender in Judges: An Intertextual Approach
RBS 103
Stephen C. Barton, Andrew J. Byers
One God, One People: Oneness and Unity in Early Christianity
RBS 104
Marvin A. Sweeney
Visions of the Holy: Studies in Biblical Theology and Literature
RBS 105
Martti Nissinen, Jutta Jokiranta
Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions: Methodological Encounters and Debates
RBS 106
Soo Kim Sweeney, David Frankel, Marvin A. Sweeney
Theology of the Hebrew Bible, Volume 2: Texts, Readers, and Their Worlds
RBS 107
Amy Lindeman Allen, Francisco Lozada, Yak-hwee Tan
The Critic in the World: Essays in Honor of Fernando F. Segovia
RBS 108
Douglas Estes
What John Knows: Storytelling in the Fourth Gospel
RBS 109