Browse Books
James R. Harrison, Bradley J. Bitner
New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 11B: Essays on Ephesus
William G. Dever
For Those Who Sleep in the Dust: Essays on Archaeology and the Bible
James R. Harrison, Bradley J. Bitner
New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 11A: Texts from Ephesus
William G. Dever
My Nine Lives: Sixty Years in Israeli and Biblical Archaeology
Matthias Henze, Rodney A. Werline
Early Judaism and Its Modern Interpreters
Charlotte Hempel
The Qumran Rule Texts in Context: Collected Studies
Society of Biblical Literature
The SBL Handbook of Style, Second Edition
James K. Aitken, Jeremy M. S. Clines, Christl M. Maier
Interested Readers: Essays on the Hebrew Bible in Honor of David J. A. Clines
Michael W. Holmes
The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition