Browse Books
Huub van de Sandt, Jürgen K. Zangenberg
Matthew, James, and Didache: Three Related Documents in Their Jewish and Christian Settings
SymS 45
Dietmar Neufeld
The Social Sciences and Biblical Translation
SymS 41
Frances Flannery, Colleen Shantz, Rodney A. Werline
Experientia, Volume 1: Inquiry into Religious Experience in Early Judaism and Christianity
SymS 40
Stanley E. Porter, Christopher D. Stanley
As It Is Written: Studying Paul's Use of Scripture
SymS 50
Nancy C. Lee, Carleen Mandolfo
Lamentations in Ancient and Contemporary Cultural Contexts
SymS 43
Norman C. Habel, Peter Trudinger
Exploring Ecological Hermeneutics
SymS 46
Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S.J., Tom Thatcher
John, Jesus, and History, Volume 1: Critical Appraisals of Critical Views
SymS 44
Christiana de Groot, Marion Ann Taylor
Recovering Nineteenth-Century Women Interpreters of the Bible
SymS 38
Richard J. Clifford
Wisdom Literature in Mesopotamia and Israel
SymS 36
April D. Deconick, April D Deconick
Paradise Now: Essays on Early Jewish and Christian Myticism
SymS 11
Christine Helmer, Charlene T. Higbe, Brenna Moore
The Multivalence of Biblical Texts and Theological Meanings
SymS 37
David L. Barr
The Reality of Apocalypse: Rhetoric and Politics in the Book of Revelation
SymS 39